This is my online journal of Recovery from Compulsive Overeating. This blog is a personal tool and is in no way affiliated with any established recovery group.
Today's "For Today" reading was on kindness; mostly they focused on one being kind to themselves.
So, how am I kind to myself? I'll answer with some stories.
Many years ago, President Reagan was shot. He was rushed to the nearest hospital which was the type that did not cater to celebrities. The doctor he saw treated him the way he treated anyone else, and didn't hesitate to cause him pain in order to find the bullet. In doing so, the doctor saved his life.
Around the same time, I was recovering from knee surgery. The knee had developed scar tissue and wouldn't bend all the way. The physical therapist didn't hesitate to cause me pain; he didn't want me to spend the rest of my life crippled.
Both were examples of kindness.
Yes, I know that there is a difference between being helpful (e. g., "it appears that you are gaining weight; is anything wrong?") vs. being hateful ("gee, you are sure turning into a fatso!").
But to deny it when things are going wrong is not being kind.