This is my online journal of Recovery from Compulsive Overeating. This blog is a personal tool and is in no way affiliated with any established recovery group.
It really
is about the food. I remember a few weeks ago, someone came to a meeting and left prior to our post meeting greetings (hugs). I asked if everything was ok. He said "no one talked about food."
He was right of course, and from then on I've tried to mention food and my struggles with it and freedom from it.
Last night, "guilt and shame" was the topic. And, as is the style these days, "shame" took a beating. But you know what? It was shame that lead me to seek out help! Shame isn't all bad and I think it is foolish to try to eliminate it entirely.
Note that I am
not talking about
inappropriate shame (e. g., a victim of a crime being ashamed, etc.) Mental health professionals have much to offer in many cases.
But appropriate shame, like pain, has its place.