
This is my online journal of Recovery from Compulsive Overeating. This blog is a personal tool and is in no way affiliated with any established recovery group.

Monday, June 05, 2006

This post is being made at 3:26 am on Monday, 5 June. I am beat up and sore from the weekend's 24 hour walk (83 miles; a "median" type result for me).

Of course, I bore the burden of those 10 extra pounds or so; it will take time for these to come off.

No, I am not doing the compulsive weight reduction diet type thing, but I also know that regaining 130-135 pounds starts with gaining the first 10.

How else did food factor in? Well, at 12:38 (tweleve hours, 38 minutes) I was at 50 miles and ate one slice of pizza for my meal (every 4 hours). I decided to eat a second slice 38 minutes later (I give myself 1 hour to finish my meal). The second slice was a disaster as it didn't digest; it made me sick.

The first slice really worked as the fat in it helped me pick up the pace. But pizza is hard to digest, especially when I am working hard for a sustained period.

So, this was the old "if one is great, two is even better" type of thinking.

The good news is that I didn't quit and 4 hours later (after not being able to hold anything; not even water) my last "meal" perked me right up.

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